Pergolas Module 2 246×484

전화 문의

“My parents’ house had covered areas like porches and a greenhouse full of plants, they were my favorite places to play, listen to music, read or take a nap.”

José A. Gandía-Blasco Canales

The PERGOLAS collection arises from the need to create outdoor shelters, taking the step from GANDIABLASCO furniture to small-scale architecture. The MODULE 2 246×484 is an outdoor pergola manufactured with the same mechanized aluminium profile construction system that characterizes our brand’s most iconic outdoor furniture collections. This is an assembly system that uses specially designed, long-lasting materials for outdoor use.

Home automation to enjoy the outdoors. This modular system is essentially a customizable designer pergola with different enclosures, ceiling types, powder-coated colors, electrification, and USB options, which allows you to adapt it to the needs of your space and your own taste.

The MODULE 2 246×484 is a unique design by José A. Gandía-Blasco Canales for GANDIABLASCO.


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사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

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