Capa Coffee table

전화 문의

“It was a fantastic experience to move to America with my Scandinavian style in the background, to arrive and collide with the industrial and contemporary design seen in the United States. In Denmark I grew up seeing Louis Poulsen’s lamp placed on everyone’s dining tables; in New York, everyone wants a unique piece at their table. I love that diversity, I find it inspiring to see how we don’t all live in the same way. ”

Søren Rose

CAPA translates the Scandinavian lifestyle of Danish designer Søren Rose to the outdoors, with this intimate collection made up of unique pieces with precise finishes, with which to create cozy and familiar outdoor environments.

The CAPA coffee table follows the same refined and organic language that characterises the collection. It is a designer table made with a welded aluminium tubular structure, to which high-quality super-durable powdered paint is applied, highly resistant to the exterior. The tops of this outdoor table are available in 11 smooth and veined finishes of the ultra-compact Dekton® by Cosentino surface.

The CAPA coffee table is an original design by Søren Rose for GANDIABLASCO.


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사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

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