Onsen Sectional pouf

전화 문의

“We fully believe in the relationship between architecture and design: two languages that differ only in scale but that share all the notions of proportion, materiality, expressiveness …”.

Francesco Meda & David Quincoces

Rationality, pure lines, natural materials: this is ONSEN, the collection devised by Francesco Meda and David Quincoces for GANDIABLASCO. ONSEN is based on a spirit of transparency, of quality materials that are presented as they are, with minimal intervention to maintain their natural properties. The calm and quiet of Japanese architecture inspires simple and versatile designs that make them ideal for any environment, from the intimacy of private terraces to large contract installations.

The ONSEN sectional pouf has a tubular structure in natural stainless steel, without any surface coatings; its seat is made of durable vinyl straps which generate a geometric framework that gives character to this designer pouf.

Its cushion is decorated with piping designed exclusively for this collection. The variety of textile and piping colour combinations make it an easily customizable piece of furniture.

The ONSEN sectional pouf is a unique design by Francesco Meda & David Quincoces for GANDIABLASCO.


(주)파넬 경기도 용인시 처인구 백암면 박곡로 196
사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

고객센터 02-3443-3983
평일 - 09:30~18:30 / 월요일 및 공휴일 휴무

개인정보처리책임자 최정아 / E-mail : info@parnell.co.kr
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