Onsen Lounge chair

전화 문의

“In our projects,, we always seek the transversality of the product. We imagine them in very contemporary spaces or classic spaces, even helping blur the line between interior and exterior until it almost disappears.”

Francesco Meda & David Quincoces

Designed by Francesco Meda and David Quincoces for GANDIABLASCO, the ONSEN collection is inspired by the calm and stillness typical of Japanese architecture.

The care in the choice and treatment of the materials, minimally worked to maintain their natural properties, make it an iconic collection with clean and refined lines.

The ONSEN lounge chair is a designer armchair whose structure is made from natural stainless steel tubes, without any additional treatments. The straps that connect its arms, backrest, and seat are made of a vinyl material that resembles leather but is more resistant, giving this chair great functionality. Like the rest of the collection, the ONSEN lounge chair is customizable with different combinations of fabrics and piping –White, Grey, Sand, Brown and Orange– creating a unique piece of furniture perfect for any space.

The ONSEN lounge chair is an exclusive design by Francesco Meda and David Quincoces for GANDIABLASCO.


(주)파넬 경기도 용인시 처인구 백암면 박곡로 196
사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

고객센터 02-3443-3983
평일 - 09:30~18:30 / 월요일 및 공휴일 휴무

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