Isla Coffee table Ø80

전화 문의

“The ISLA collection is inspired by the experiences with my parents on the beach. There we used to spread towels around us with screens as windbreaks to create a small island or nest where we could spend the day.”

Sebastian Herkner

The ISLA outdoor furniture collection is Sebastian Herkner’s first collaboration for GANDIABLASCO. With it, the German designer pays homage to the moments spent outdoors with his family on the coast. This designer piece of furniture with great personality is capable of creating comfortable and welcoming environments both in the privacy of a house on the beach as well as in hotels, restaurants, and other contract surfaces.

The coffee table D80 is a light outdoor table whose structure is made of powder-coated aluminium and it is customizable thanks to the variety of colours in the ISLA collection. Its top is available in iroko wood or in the ultra-resistant material Dekton® by Cosentino.

The ISLA coffee table D80 is an exclusive design by Sebastian Herkner for GANDIABLASCO.


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사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

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