NATAL ALU armchair

전화 문의

53 X 51 X 85 X 50 (CM)

The Natal Alu collection combines functionality with impeccable class and a strong charisma. The straight, angular lines of the aluminium frame contrast beautifully with the curved seat in Batyline® which seems to float within the frame. In 1999, the stainless steel version with teak seat won a Henry van de Velde design award. Today the design is still very much in style, although updated with more low-maintenance materials. Batyline is UV and stretch-resistant, dirt-repellent and quick-drying. The aluminium frame is corrosion-resistant and has a lovely matte look thanks to the textured powder coating. The chairs are also stackable for easy storage.


(주)파넬 경기도 용인시 처인구 백암면 박곡로 196
사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

고객센터 02-3443-3983
평일 - 09:30~18:30 / 월요일 및 공휴일 휴무

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