MOOD lounge bed

전화 문의

153 X 142 X 69 X 43 (CM)

The airy design of the Mood collection and its warm combination of teak and handwoven backs will immediately create an intimate atmosphere on your patio. The rounded design of the durable teak gives the lounge bed a warm and friendly tone. The weave in Tricord has a very soft touch, but can nevertheless defy all weather conditions. Tribù has developed a range of natural colours that fit in with any type of outdoor environment. The comfortable outdoor cushions can be left out in the rain, thanks to the ventilating, water-repellent filling.


(주)파넬 경기도 용인시 처인구 백암면 박곡로 196
사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

고객센터 02-3443-3983
평일 - 09:30~18:30 / 월요일 및 공휴일 휴무

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