KOS bench

전화 문의

196 X 42 X 45 (CM)

Basic chic with an excellent, well-studied seating comfort is the best way to describe the Kos collection. The combination of the broad slats and the pure but powerful design, reinvents teak in a modern, robust way. This bench is a casual alternative for chairs at your dining table but serves also perfectly as a stand-alone bench in the garden. Tribù uses only the very best Javanese plantation wood for its teak outdoor furniture. Its quality is locally controlled by subsidiary Tribù Asia.


(주)파넬 경기도 용인시 처인구 백암면 박곡로 196
사업자등록번호 111-81-14730 | 대표자 최정아
통신판매신고번호 제2021-용인처인-0130호

고객센터 02-3443-3983
평일 - 09:30~18:30 / 월요일 및 공휴일 휴무

개인정보처리책임자 최정아 / E-mail : info@parnell.co.kr
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